Our Members
Banco ng Masa
Batangas Rural Bank for Coop., Inc.
Bolbok Rural Bank, Inc.
Classic Rural Bank, Inc.
Limcoma Rural Bank, Inc.
Lipa Bank, Inc. ( A Rural Bank)
Malarayat Rural Bank, Inc.
Mount Carmel Rural Bank
New Rural Bank of Agoncillo, Inc.
Progressive Rural Bank, Inc.
Rural Bank of Alitagtag, Inc.
Rural Bank of Calaca, Inc.
Rural Bank of Cuenca, Inc.
Rural Bank of Lipa
Rural Bank of Padre Garcia,
Rural Bank San Antonio
Sunrise Rural Bank, Inc. 
Summit Rural Bank of Lipa City, Inc.
Utility Bank
Rural Bankers Association
of the Philippines 
Bangko Sentral ng
Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation
Development Bank of the
Chamber of Thrift Banks 
Institute of Corporate Directors
Microfinance Council of the
Philippines, Inc.
Credit Information Corporation

FBRB | Federation of Batangas Rural Bankers
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